George Woodward

George Woodard specializes in providing tax planning and consulting services to individuals, partnerships, corporations, and small businesses.  He has worked with companies in real estate and related financial service industries.

Prior to joining the firm, George spent 15 years in both national and local firms in Indianapolis, Indiana and 18 years at a large firm here in Arizona.  He owned his own certified public accounting firm in Indiana for 11 years.  He firmly believes exceptional client service is the key to building a successful professional relationship.  With over 45 years of experience, George brings a conceptual approach to virtually any tax or business situation, foreseeing possibilities and planning solutions.

He graduated from Anderson University in 1969.  George is a licensed CPA in Arizona and Indiana.  He is a life member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a member of the Arizona Society of CPAs.

George enjoys taking walks with his wife, riding his bicycle, playing card games with friends and being involved with is grandson’s activities. George and his wife have been married for more than 50 years.

Fun Facts:

If I had to rid the world of one thing, it would be the endless television commercials. It seems there is more time devoted to the commercials than the original program. Most commercials are very meaningless and easy to forget, but quite annoying. If we got rid of the commercials, television viewing would be what it was intended to be, entertainment.

One of the finniest things I did as a kid was stumble across a bottle of Pepto Bismol. My eyes were immediately attracted to the vibrant pink bottle. What a great play thing this bottle would be. I shook the bottle and then gnawed on the round white top. After gnawing on the cap for a short period of time, “whoops”  there went the cap and out came the mysterious , magical pink liquid all over the white carpet. Although Mom thought it was “cute” that I was playing with the Pepto Bismol bottle, she was not too happy to learn that the mysterious, magical pink liquid left a stain on the carpet that could not be removed.

Very few people know that I make many mysterious noises in the morning preparing for the day. Most of these noises are the result of the aches and pains of growing old.  This is the joys of growing old, but it sure beats the alternative.

Since I do not own an iPhone, it would probably benefit me to become an expert with this device. Then it would eliminate the following conversation with my wife: “Honey, how do I turn on this complicated machine?” She responds: “Dear, pressing the little dot on the bottom of the phone might help.”

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