As a full-service accounting firm, Pescatore Cooper, PLC is prepared to assist you individually or your business with a full range of tax and financial accounting services. Our knowledge and experience can be invaluable in helping you to minimize your tax liability and maximize your returns.

We can also advise you on actions related to business risk and growth opportunities and ensure that you have all the financial information related to your business to factor into your decision making.

Tax Preparation and Consulting

Tax laws are constantly changing and increasing in complexity. The tax professionals at Pescatore Cooper, PLC make it their business to stay abreast of the latest tax regulations. We assist our clients in applying the law to ensure they are in full compliance while taking advantage of all legal opportunities to minimize tax liability. We will ensure you meet all filing deadlines and can assist in future tax and business planning decisions.

Client Accounting Services

Do you know how your business is performing? Are your expenses in line with your revenue? Are you profitable? Are there steps you could take to reduce expenses and increase profitability?

By preparing or analyzing your financial statements, Pescatore Cooper, PLC can make sure you are fully informed about the performance of your business and recommend things you can do to improve the bottom line. Some are obvious but overlooked by many business owners who may be more focused on operational rather than financial aspects of the business. Others are not so obvious and might never be identified without the expert eye of a trained financial professional.

Estate & Trust Consulting

Many people fail to recognize the importance of estate planning and, unfortunately, it is their loved ones who pay the price. By preparing in advance, the value of the estate can be protected and maximized for the benefit of the survivors. Without proper planning, tax liabilities may increase and changing economic conditions can take an undue toll on the assets of the survivors.

The professionals at Pescatore Cooper, PLC are experts at helping families and businesses plan ahead. We will work in coordination with your existing professionals to review all aspects of your financial picture – investments, insurance, real estate, business ownership, taxes and other liabilities – and recommend a plan of action that puts your estate on track for growth, asset protection, stability and estate tax savings.

Business Consulting

Planning to expand? Add employees? Introduce a new product? Or do you face challenges that require downsizing and reducing expenses?

Pescatore Cooper, PLC is ready to help you analyze the current state of your business, examine your challenges and opportunities and offer insights that help you make sound decisions. Our knowledge of local and regional markets and our experience across a broad spectrum of industries make us uniquely qualified to serve as a trusted advisor to your business.

In the final analysis, the decision and responsibility are always yours, but our detached, objective advice has proven invaluable to dozens of business owners as they faced crossroads in their company’s growth.

Think of Pescatore Cooper, PLC as your business partner.

Use our experience and insights to raise revenue, reduce expenses and increase profitability whether it be with our full service bookkeeping services or periodic business financial analysis.