Since its founding in 1999, Pescatore Cooper, PLC has grown its accounting practice to include a broad array of industries and professions.  The firm’s members and staff are proud of the fact that most of the firm’s impressive growth has been fueled by positive word of mouth and referrals from a growing list of satisfied clients.

This satisfaction has been reflected in other ways, too, including the Arizona Business Journal’s recognition of Pescatore Cooper, PLC in its Top 10 list of small accounting firms since 2007.

Meet the Team

Pescatore Cooper & Our Community

It’s been said that the secret to living is giving, and at Pescatore Cooper we make an effort to be involved in our community as much as possible. For several years we have hosted a Food Drive for St. Mary’s Food Bank, volunteered at Andre’s House serving Phoenix’s homeless population and donated Holiday Baskets for Save the Family.

Our firm’s passion for volunteering and helping those who may need a hand has become a core value that we pride ourselves on and we look forward to continuing the tradition for years to come!

Fun Fact from Pescatore Cooper

Since 2015, our firm has collected and donated over 1,000 pounds of food to St. Mary’s Food Bank!