Kathryn Thompson
Kathryn Thompson, an Arizona native, has been in public accounting since graduating from Arizona State University in 2006. With a B.S. degree in Accounting and a Masters in Taxation, Kathryn has several years of experience in the arena of individual and business income tax, along with a growing interest in estate and trust tax. A licensed CPA with the state of Arizona; she is a member of the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Arizona Society of CPAs.
Outside of the office, Kathryn is often busy with various fitness and sports clubs. As an athlete most of her life, Kathryn participates in Ironman triathlons and volunteers coaching youth rugby. Aside from chasing finish lines, she also spends her time chasing around her young son born December 2018.
Fun Facts:
Several things make this list, including mosquitos and homelessness, but if I had to pick one, it would be bullying. Today, too many children are made to feel bad for who they are and what they enjoy. Every child should be able to be whoever they wish to be, without judgement.
Like most typical kids, I loved to pull pranks on my family members but the thing we laugh most about now is my one and only attempt at making Chicken & Dumplings for a family meal. I was 14, and the dumplings were so horrible, my brother attempted to use it as a baseball. They had the same texture and consistency!
One thing very few people know about me would be that as young kid, I was obsessed with the World Wrestling Federation. My brothers and I huddled around the TV every Saturday morning to watch Hulk Hogan, Macho Man and the Ultimate Warrior. In junior high when I was named the National Junior Honor Society Freshman President, my mother bought me tickets to a live WWF event here in Phoenix!
This is so hard to pick just one! I could list a lot of things I would love to be an expert at but my current obsession learning to make my own cold brew coffee. For months I have been experimenting with the perfect bean, grind, and brewing time. One day, I hope to master this. It would save me a lot of time and money!